Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Crossroads

Hi, and welcome back to the blog. I’m aiming to post more or less weekly this year.

After my big tour with Ryan Morrison last year I needed some time off from music. So I did some other work for a change. On moving back to being a singer-songwriter, I found myself at a crossroads, wondering where to go next. It took me a while, but I was very drawn to the brightly painted sign marked “Record A Kids Album”. So I’m off in that direction this year, with a bunch of helium balloons in hand, and a unicorn and a T-Rex trotting along beside me. It's a lot of fun, and they don't eat much, being imaginary and all.

I find “being at a crossroads” fruitful, but frustrating. Many myths surround this experience, and understandably so, as it's so ambiguous. Exciting, bewildering, unpleasant. Somehow one is in-between, not here, not there. It’s the moment in-between past and future, where different realities stretch out ahead, and sometimes it's hard to leave for a new destination. At the crossroads you are equipped to make your choice with the knowledge you have earned, advice from your loved ones, and a dash of luck. (OK, and maybe Wikipedia, if you happen to have an iPhone on you.)

In my mind, this place is in the middle of a desert. Plain bitumen roads cross the sand, beneath an infinite blue dome of sky. It seems empty, but I remind myself that the desert is never empty, if you know what to look for. I guess the trick is just not to stay too long.

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