Live in Perth
Live at Fairbridge love the kids!
Audio from another Perth gig, with Stephen Taberner on double bass.
But there is a cost to all the fun and frivolity. It has come to my attention that Ryan has developed RSI … Repetitive Spoon Injury. Apparently he has terrifying bruises on his thighs, but since he won’t let me photograph them, you will have to be merely alarmed at the state of his pants:

Who knew spoon playing was such a dangerous business?
We are still in Perth, travelling back to Denmark in a couple of weeks to do workshops in singing (Ryan) and songwriting (me).
When the Charters were working at The Clarendon during the Folk Festival they used to stop serving meals with spoons after a certain time each night. Otherwise people would stay up in the bar ALL NIGHT jamming on the spoons. I kid you not.
ReplyDeleteMiss you sister.