Friday, June 24, 2011

Lemon Meringue Pie

I made this video for fun a while ago ... two robots (one quite tetchy) discuss a recipe for lemon meringue pie.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Some lovely videos

While in W.A. recently at the Denmark Festival of Voice, I had the chance to see some wonderful performers ... here are some of my favourites, for when you have a rainy afternoon.

The Pepperjacks - incredible playing and stunning harmonies

Kate Wilson - an awesome beat poet, makes paintings with words

Penny Larkins and Carl Pannuzzo - just listen, it's so beautiful...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Trouble with Teleporting

My favourite conversation from the Denmark Festival of Voice. We bumped into a couple of our friends in a cafe:

Monica: We've just been saying that what you really need at a folk festival is a Tardis. It gets you to all the different gigs you're singing in, plus it's somewhere to get changed.
Me: Yes. That's the advantage of a Tardis over a standard teleporting machine - somewhere to get changed.
Clive: Plus, when you teleport, you risk turning up as a fly.

So true.
